Last weekend kicked off the start of 6 weeks of workshops. In fact every one is due to get progressively bigger and busier than the last.
The first one last Saturday, at the fab Simply Solids, started off at a genteel pace with 7 participants. The new shop is a perfect venue for workshops...a lovely airy space and surrounded by beautiful inspiring fabrics and makes.
It was a lovely intimate affair with lots of creativity coming through from everyone.
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Today things moved on a step with me getting ready to teach 25 WI ladies...and no there was no nakedness involved (aka The Calendar Girls!). I prepared plenty of paints to avoid pushing and shoving and hair pulling to get to the chosen colour...there was a little pushing and shoving...but no hair pulling.
Considering I usually keep groups to under ten people (FQR being an exception) it worked really well. Being in a big church hall, we weren't limited by space, so that helped a lot.
It always amazes that with every workshop no 2 people design and print the same thing and actually I don't think any 2 people across any of my workshops have ever designed the same thing!
I think my favourite this time was the cute?! And I think I love it even more with the thought of it being made into a baby's dress that the Mum is planning on doing. I can't wait to see a picture of that!
I do so love teaching workshops. I love seeing the creativity and enthusiasm from everyone and the thought that I have started them on an exciting journey that they want to continue on fills me with pride.
My next 2 workshops are biggies...I am in Wales for a couple of days teaching some GCSE students and then off to My Bearpaw in Edinburgh for a whole weekend of fun.
And speaking of far flung places, I have been asked to go over to Scandinavia with my screens and pots of paints to teach over there. I am coordinating with a couple of lovely ladies over there to organise possibly 2 workshops...1 in Copenhagen and 1 in Sweden, possibly Gothenburg. If you live in that vicinity or want an excuse for a trip over there do leave a message and I will send you details.
It's Saturday night, I'm tired from all the fun and excitement of the day, so it is a glass...or 2...of red and a sit back to reflect on the fun before I get ready for the next.
Hope you are having an enjoyable weekend wherever you are. x